Virus Activity
Online Shopping
The web is wide
open. There is very little to protect the internet user while using
the web.
Unfortunately, almost all web sites and service providers
leave it up to the individual to protect themselves. So I'm going to
help you to protect yourself with some tips and some software. Also
at the bottom of this page is a place to see the most
recent virus threats, and links to tools for help and information,
courtesy of Symantec- Makers of the Norton line of products listed below.
(Check out "Klez", a nasty virus.)

must have an AntiVirus when using the Internet or Email.
Viruses can attack anyone anytime. Its a fact of life.
Most virus attacks come from Email. Usually called "Worms",
these viruses will infect a computer that has no virus protection and
then send themselves out to everyone in the address book. The virus
will not be stopped by the trick of placing a fake
Email address in your address book either. Sometimes a virus will
lie by claiming to be sent from computer A when it really came from
computer B.
Also see my Links Page for information about
Email hoax's, jokes, and virus information BEFORE forwarding any Emails
you receive to all of your friends. (Most Email warnings are false information
or hoax's.)
should have a Firewall when using the Internet with a Dial Up modem.
It is even more important if you are on High Speed Internet like Cable
(Road Runner), DSL, or Satellite.
Firewall's prevent a stranger (hacker) from gaining access
to your computer. They try to do this for many reasons. One is to steal
your private information- credit card numbers, login and passwords to
sites you have paid to use, Email addresses to resell, etc. The other
reason is to place what's called a "trojan". This allows them
to come back later use your computer along with others to attack someone
The more you are on the Internet, the more vulnerable you are to attack.
With Dial Up you are at risk while connected. With High Speed Internet
you are at risk the whole time your computer is turned on, because High
Speed is connected to the Internet all the time.
shopping online, ONLY use secure sites and shop with names you know.
A secure site will display a yellow lock or a lock on
a yellow background. If there is no lock or the lock is pictured in
the unlocked position, be vary careful about giving out any of your
information. The site may not be secure. There are more than enough
safe sites to to business with. Find another company.
Also stick with names you recognize. If you are new to the Internet,
here is a link to Online Shopping
that offers secure shopping through a huge variety of approved online
stores that you can trust.
a 2nd free Email account and use it when you are dealing with anyone
other than friend, family, or trusted sites.
To avoid having your Email box fill up with spam and
junk, try this: Give your main Email only to your family and friends.
Also if you are buying from a trusted site, that site will most likely
not sell your Email. In all other cases where a site asks you for an
Email address, I use one from a free site, like Hotmail, or
so that any spam or junk is sent there. When too much junk shows up,
I stop using it and get another free Email.
Parental Control software to help protect young kids from seeing things
you don't want them to see.
And there are a lot of things on the web that show up
purely by accident. A simple search for the name of a popular clothing
store showed one of my customers pictures that had nothing to do with
clothes. (Lack of clothes maybe) Parental software can be set to the
level of filtering you think is appropriate for your family.

My personal favorite and one of the top rated and best products
on the market.
This package includes Antivirus, plus a Firewall, Parental
Control and Ad Blocking. The Firewall will prevent anyone from attacking
your computer by Email or through the Internet. Your information will
be safe and your computer can never be used to attack someone else.
The Parental Control is automatically updated with new information about
"bad" sites to protect your family and the Ad Blocker will
stop most annoying ads and pop ups and can even make your internet faster
because the ads are normally the first thing you see and if they are
blocked, you will see what you really want that much faster. (Especially
on Dial Up)
Internet Security
Replaced by Norton Security
Personal Firewall
by Norton Security.
here for current software prices.

Virus Threats and Information
Storm Center
Worldwide condition of the Internet

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